Sunday, February 22, 2015

I personally think all energy sources are good. I don't technically have a favorite. I believe every energy source is great depending on where you live. For instance if I lived in Seattle, solar energy would not be my favorite. Id pick one that best benefits my home. I live in tucson so Id have to say the most efficient energy source to me is solar. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Projectile motion

I was watching football and saw projectile motion. As you can see in the picture below the football player is kicking the ball. The ball will rise up and out creating a half porabala until it reaches its y max, it will then start falling and moving out creating the other half of the porabala.This is my example of projectile motion.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blog #2

              Today i was watching the NFL football game, the vikings against the patriots. Sadly, i cant remember who it was but one of the guys was close to the sideline and one of his players had thrown he ball, he started at a rate of zero then when he started running for the ball he was moving at an increasing constant speed. He then caught the ball and started running but the other team had him surrounded as they slowly crowded him that he ended up going out. Once was out he had gone out, he knew he had to stop but he couldn't just stop automatically. He had to slow down at a constant rate in order to stop. This was my example of constant velocity.

Monday, August 11, 2014

          Physics is a branch of science. This has to do with nature, properties of matter, and energy. It also has to do with motion through space and time. It also has related concepts like energy and force. Physics can be known as the knowledge of nature, as well.
          Physics takes place in every aspect of life. It consists of velocity, energy, acceleration, mass, force and so much more. For example, in football, players are increasing their velocity and smashing into others. Football also takes energy. As you can see physics is very important and useful to my everyday life.